Motorcycle Earplugs

Cluistrom's hearing protection is a must have.

We're the leaders in hearing protection for motorcyclists. We have a great range of motorcycle earplugs.

Noise Induced Hearing Loss is a consequence of damage to the hair cells of the hearing organ (cochlea) caused by exposure to higher than normal levels of noise.

This occurs due to force of impact on the hair cells by loud noise which may cause temporary or permanent damage.

If you ride a motorbike, wind and engine noise can easily exceed 100dB (SPL) and if your ears are exposed to that level of noise, you are in a seriously bad situation.


Tinnitus, and hearing loss can both be indictors of noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) from continued exposre to loud nosie Do you believe that all motorcycle ear plugs are the same ? We don’t .

The exacting demands of motorsport coupled with the very high noise levels of the environment requires the very best in terms of motorcycle ear plugs and motorsport communication systems.

Our Custom Moulded Earplugs are available throughout the UK.